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I AM LIBERTY is a group of American citizens based in the greater Dayton, Ohio area who stopped yelling at the TV and began to take action to help defend our country.  We are concerned about where our country is headed and are passionate about restoring and preserving it for generations to come. We understand that fighting for our liberties begins with each person; individual citizens working together in local communities are the foundation of
our constitutional republic.


T-Shirts available at our meetings (Sm Med Lg, $20)

I Am Liberty T-Shirt_edited.jpg
Who We Are: About
Man Waving American Flag



  • The strength of our nation lies with our faith in and reliance on God our Creator, the individual, and the family; and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored. 

"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever."  (Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC)

  • In American exceptionalism

  • The United States Constitution is the greatest and most inspired document to govern a nation, and the republican form of government it gives us, (U.S. Const. Art. IV §4), is the best guarantor of freedom in history

  • In equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability

  • Government is a servant of the people, not our master

  • Government is best that governs least

  • Government must be fiscally responsible

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